24: Writing great copy with Franky from Love Audrey

Writing great copy with Franky from Love Audrey

This week, I chat with Franky from Love Audrey. Franky is a freelance copywriter based in Bristol, specialising in copy for creative businesses. We chat about setting up workshops, the process of hiring a VA, being self-employed with a chronic illness, co-mentoring and so much more!

Things we talked about:

  • Launching workshops, selling out and tweaking the offering over time

  • Hiring a VA and the process of letting go of control

  • Tips on writing effective and purposeful copy for your website

  • What do you want your audience to do once they’ve read your copy?

  • Launching a new podcast

  • The idea of co-mentoring and the benefits of having a supportive community

  • How to find a co-mentor

  • Dealing with health issues whilst being self-employed

  • The importance of self care and taking regular breaks

Fearless Hustle Collective no. 24 NEW.jpg

Welcome to episode 24! This week, I chat with Franky from Love Audrey. Franky is a freelance copywriter based in Bristol, specialising in copy for creative businesses. We chat about setting up workshops, the process of hiring a VA, being self-employed with a chronic illness, co-mentoring and so much more! - Launching workshops, selling out and tweaking the offering over time - Hiring a VA and the process of letting go of control - Tips on writing effective and purposeful copy for your website - what do you want your audience to do once they’ve read your copy? - Launching a new podcast - The idea of co-mentoring and the benefits of having a supportive community - How to find a co-mentor - Dealing with health issues whilst being self-employed - The importance of self care and taking regular breaks For full shownotes, please visit: Follow along on Instagram:
