83: 3 things you can do if you're feeling overwhelmed

83: 3 things you can do if you're feeling overwhelmed

I know that as business owners, we have so many hats to wear - not to mention our normal life demands, too. And so overwhelm seems to feature in our lives quite often. It’s often one of the main struggles I talk to my clients about, too, because there’s often so much to do, with so little time.

In this episode, I'm exploring some things that have worked for me in the past when those feelings of overwhelm began to take over.

81: Changes and new name

81: Changes and new name

Some changes are coming, and I’m really excited to share them with you.

When I first started this podcast, the Fearless Hustle Collective, the word hustle had a very different meaning to me. I wanted the podcast to represent going after your dreams, and following what lights you up, despite the fear that is so often present when we start on a new path. It's time for a change!