Changes and new name!
Some changes are coming, and I’m really excited to share them with you.
When I first started this podcast, the Fearless Hustle Collective, the word hustle had a very different meaning to me. I wanted the podcast to represent going after your dreams, and following what lights you up, despite the fear that is so often present when we start on a new path. It's time for a change!
FULL TRANSCRIPT (computer generated)
You're listening to the fearless hustle collective, a podcast for creative female entrepreneurs, and a home to honest conversations about the ups and downs of running your own business. I'm your host and business mindset coach, Anna Dunleavy.
And we'll explore topics on self doubt, following your intuition, and why self limiting beliefs might be holding you back. Hello, hello, and welcome back to Episode 81. I have a little update for you. Some changes are coming to the podcast, and I'm really excited to share them with you. And so when I first started the podcast, the fearless hustle collective, the word hustle had a very different meaning to me. And I wanted the podcast to represent going after your dreams and following what lights you up despite the fear that may be so often present when we start on a new path. And whilst the premise of this idea still very much stands, the title of the podcast kind of no longer resonated with me. And so over the past year, perhaps a little longer, I've been exploring different ways of working and incorporating things like the menstrual and Moon cycles, energy levels, and just the kind of season of work we are in into how we approach work in general. And so the kind of work that most excites me is all about supporting women in business. And that hasn't changed at all. And so it's about helping them to understand the root cause of their self doubt, and helping them to build businesses in a gentle and holistic way. And so, instead of searching for the perfect productivity hack, I really want us to kind of embrace that full spectrum of life and business, and the slow and the fast seasons of work. And as my work evolves, as I grow as a business owner, as a person, as you know, as I explore different things that really interests me, and that I really want to kind of weave into the services and the work that I you know, create, I guess, any feels right that after all of this time, the name of the podcast should change. And when things don't feel aligned, it's, you know, ultimately up to us to change them. So this is me, this is my little announcement, I'm changing things out and letting go of what no longer feels aligned, I guess. And in reality, not much aside from the name is really changing. That's because the very idea of doing this podcast in the first place remains the same. It's all about having honest conversations about the ups and downs of running a business. And I'll be doing exactly that with a sprinkle of my own personal experiences of running two businesses, and particularly my work as a self belief business coach. But I've been doing that already in the form of the interview podcasts, episodes, and the solo episode. So like I say, not a huge amount is changing. But the name is and so with over 80 podcast episodes in the fearless hustle collective podcast becomes business in bloom, a mindful business podcast. And it's been a long time coming. And I feel so good to finally share this with you. I'll be you know, making changes on the iTunes soon. But I wanted to record this episode under the old name, just so that you know, I could kind of give you a heads up so that you knew what to expect going forward. And the podcast was never so much about the practical tips of running a business, although there are they are sprinkled all throughout the episodes. It was really more about the individual and collective stories of what it's like to run a business. And really understanding the feelings and emotions that come with it because I so often referred to running around business as a bit of a roller coaster because one day we might be feeling really good. We've had new inquiries come in or perhaps bookings come in. And the next day, it's super quiet. We're feeling rubbish. And so it's this real roller coaster and I think, you know, well first of all, it's it's normal and natural. But also, I guess by talking about this, we are normalising it and so I guess that's really what this is about.
So for me running a mindful intentional business means taking a holistic 360 degree view. Our lives and businesses are intertwined. And so it really makes sense to me that we explore all of those aspects, the self doubt and comparison that comes up all the time, the overwhelm and fear when we're perhaps trying something new. And so I want to explore those experiences and kind of help us to kind of make sense of it all. Because just getting on with it isn't always that simple. And often, there are very kind of understandable reasons why we might be holding back, or why we might not be taking action on something. So my hope is that by exploring those topics, and having those conversations we can kind of collectively understand ourselves more to. And so it's my hope that by hearing and sharing other women's stories, that this will be a reminder that our experiences are really universal. And I really like the quote that says, I am unique in life, and life is not unique to me. And there is so much strength in hearing those stories, where we realise we're not alone, and that others have, or have had similar experiences to us. And you know, all the dilemmas, the doubts, the fear, all of those things. And so, business, and bloom was inspired by the symbols of nature, maybe the practice of sowing seeds, and tending to them gently and with patience, because we all know that the stories of overnight success are rarely that they've rarely true. And, and usually, we just haven't seen all of the work that's gone into it behind the scenes. business in bloom is also driven by the idea that we have to look after ourselves first, as the business owners as the people driving this forward. And the idea that when we bloom, our businesses can bloom too. And so it's about inviting this part of ourselves into the mix and not leaving it kind of Yeah, just, you know, to the side, because it's really part of all of this. And so, building a successful business is more than just the latest marketing tactics or tricks. And as small business owners, we are the driving force. And so it makes sense that this, this is, you know, really part of the conversation. And I won't lie and tell you that making this change right now, almost three years into running this podcast, didn't feel scary. It did. And, and I hesitated for a very long time. And I've actually been thinking about this for probably a year and a half, maybe possibly longer. And, you know, was the fear of maybe confusing the listeners, or perhaps even losing some listeners, as I was making those changes. That fear was there, there was also kind of a deeper knowing that it was time for me to move on from the fearless hustle collective brand. And it will always be part of my story. And I guess I'm sharing this because you may feel like you're at a bit of a crossroads, too, or perhaps have been in the past. And I guess it's just a reminder that all of the previous efforts and all of the previous things that we've done, even if we decide to change, they're not wasted. They're just simply part of that story, and your journey to get to where you are now. And so they have allowed you to move one step closer to your most true most aligned self. And we are always, you know, continuously evolving. And I guess that's, that's the exciting part of running a business. We're always changing. And, you know, ultimately, as small business owners, we're in charge and were able to make those changes, to really continue to feel aligned. And I think that's, that's really exciting to me. So that's it really, I just wanted to give you a very quick update about the changes going forward. I'll be sharing more interviews and solo episodes under the new name very soon. And of course, I would love it if you could share it with friends when they're out. I also quickly wanted to just say thank you for supporting the podcast for tuning in for sharing the episodes for even leaving me messages and DMS when you've really enjoyed an episode that always so is so lovely. And just thank you for being part of this kind of journey and project and I've absolutely loved creating this even though it felt so scary right at the beginning when you know I first had the idea I'm not but I'm so glad I'm so glad I kind of went ahead with it. So I just wanted to say a huge thank you. I hope you are Have a gorgeous day and I'll be seeing you soon.